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Publications 2013

ΛCDM model in f(T) gravity: reconstruction, thermodynamics and stability
I.G. Salako, Manuel E. Rodrigues, A.V. Kpadonou, M.J.S. Houndjo, and J.Tossa
JCAP 11, 060 - Published 11 November 2013

Charged black holes in generalized teleparallel gravity
Manuel E. Rodrigues, M. J. S. Houndjo, J. Tossa, D. Momeni, and R. Myrzakulov
JCAP 024, 1311 - Published 11 November 2013

Locally rotationally symmetric Bianchi type-I cosmological model in f(T) gravity: from early to dark energy dominated universe
Manuel E. Rodrigues, I. G. Salako, J. M. S. Houndjo, and J. Tossa
Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 23, 1450004 - Published 25 October 2013

Thermodynamics of black plane solution
Manuel E. Rodrigues, Deborah F. Jardim, Stéphane J. M. Houndjo, and Ratbay Myrzakulov
Gen. Rel. Grav. 45, 2309-2323 - Published 1 October 2013

A type of Levi-Civita solution in modified Gauss-Bonnet gravity
Manuel E. Rodrigues, M. J. S. Houndjo, and R. Myrzakulov
Canadian Journal of Physics 92, 173 - Published 30 September 2013

Thermodynamical, geometrical and Poincaré methods for charged black holes in presence of quintessence
Mustapha Azreg-Ainou and Manuel E. Rodrigues
JHEP 146 1309 - Published September 2013

Absorption of planar massless scalar waves by Kerr black holes
Caio F. B.  Macedo, Luiz C. S. Leite, Ednilton S. Oliveira, Sam Dolan and Luís C. B. Crispino
Phys. Rev. D 88, 064033 – Published 17 September 2013

Astrophysical signatures of boson stars: Quasinormal modes and inspiral resonances
Caio F. B. Macedo, Paolo Pani, Vitor Cardoso, and Luís C. B. Crispino
Phys. Rev. D 88, 064046 – Published 23 September 2013

Into the lair: gravitational-wave signatures of dark matter
Caio F. B. Macedo, Paolo Pani, Vítor Cardoso, and Luís C. B. Crispino
Astrophys. J. 774, 48 - Published 16 August 2013

Thermodynamics of a class of non-asymptotically flat black holes in Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton theory
Manuel E. Rodrigues, Glauber T. Marques
Gen. Rel. Grav. 45, 1297-1311 - Published 1 July 2013

Greybody factors for nonminimally coupled scalar fields in Schwarzschild–de Sitter spacetime
Luís C. B. Crispino, Atsushi Higuchi, Ednilton S. Oliveira, and Jorge V. Rocha
Phys. Rev. D 87, 104034 – Published 28 June 2013

Dynamics of scalar perturbations in f(R,T) gravity
F. G. Alvarenga, A. de la Cruz-Dombriz, M. J. S. Houndjo, M. E. Rodrigues, and D. Sáez-Gómez
Phys. Rev. D 87, 103526 – Published 28 May 2013

Planar symmetry in f(T) gravity
M. E. Rodrigues, M. J. S. Houndjo, D. Momeni, and R. Myrzakulov
Int. J. Mod. Phys. D. 22, 1350043 - Published 7 May 2013

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