Prof. Carolina Benone has been awarded in the 19th "For Women in Science"
Carolina Loureiro Benone, a member of the Grav@zon group, has been awarded in the 19th "For Women in Science" , an initiative carried out by the L’Oréal Group in Brazil in partnership with the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) and UNESCO. This initiative aims to promote gender equity in science and celebrate the achievements of women researchers. Congratulations, Prof. Carolina Benone!...
- não publicado
- 25/11/24
- 18h29
Pedro de Sá's Master Degree Exam
Pedro Lucas Brito de Sá defended his Master's Dissertation entitled "Einstein-Friedberg-Lee-Sirlin Boson Stars: Solutions and Phenomenology". The exam took place remotely, on 29th...
- não publicado
- 29/02/24
- 15h12
Haroldo Lima's Doctoral Exam
Haroldo Cilas Duarte Lima Junior defended his Doctoral Thesis entitled "Challenging the Kerr hypothesis with scalar fields, tidal forces and shadows". The exam took place...
- não publicado
- 31/08/23
- 17h38
Zeus Moreira's Qualifying Exam
Zeus Sales Moreira has been approved in his qualifying exam entitled "Quasinormal modes of a holonomy corrected Schwarzschild black hole". The exam took place remotely, on 21st September...
- não publicado
- 21/09/23
- 17h36
Marco Aurelio's Qualifying Exam
Marco Aurélio Abreu de Paula has been approved in his qualifying exam entitled "Nonlinear Electrodynamics, Regular Black Holes, and Scalar Fields". The exam took place remotely, on 29th...
- não publicado
- 14/12/22
- 18h43